Resume Templates



Download your 5 resume templates that is ready just for you.

>> 5 Resume Templates (633 downloads ) <<


By the way, are you Retrenched?

If you are, there are 2 key benefits by Socso
1) 6 months Job Search Allowance (while searching for a job) (30% -80% gaji anggapan bulanan terakhir)
2) Free Skills Training related to your job.

*You must have a letter of Loss of Employment from your ex company.
*THis benefit is not applicable, if you self resign, end of contract or retire.

Click here to find out more.


Adakah anda Diberhentikan Kerja?

Jika ya, terdapat 2 faedah utama oleh Perkeso
1) 6 bulan Job Search Allowance (semasa mencari kerja) (30% -80% gaji anggapan bulanan terakhir)
2) Latihan Kemahiran Percuma berkaitan pekerjaan anda.

*Anda mesti mempunyai surat Kehilangan Pekerjaan (Loss of Employment letter) daripada bekas syarikat anda.
*Faedah ini tidak valid jika, jika anda sendiri meletak jawatan, tamat kontrak atau bersara.

Click disini.



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