Welcome to your Microsoft Project Testimony


What our participants had to say:


MICROSOFT PROJECT | 2-day short course
Mohd Fadhir | IT Industry 

“…It has exposed me on how to use Microsoft Project tools which has enable me to do project management data capturing..”

“…It also help me to improve myself in terms of Project Management Skills..”

MICROSOFT PORJECT | 2-day short course

Eswaren | IT Developer

“…During the 2 days training I am able to absorb what was taught to me and immediately implement during my training…”

“…Once I am back to the office, I am able to relate what I have studied on Microsoft Project and able to handle bigger assignments…”

MICROSOFT PROJECT | 2-day short course

Reeshmma G | Project Management Practitioner 

“…I learnt how to establish a plan and timeline effectively after learning the course…”

“…I am able to understand on how to mange resources more effective with what I have learned…”

“…I was able to create a set timeline that can be used throughout my entire projects effectively…”

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